Thursday, April 22, 2010

Newton’s Three Laws of Awesomeness! (formerly known as Newton’s Laws of Motion)

Inertia (science) -
"In the absence of a net external force, a body either is at rest or moves with constant velocity." Lets get that one more time, in english. "Unless acted on by an outside force, an object either doesn’t move or continues in the same direction at the same speed."

Now onto Newton’s Second Law: Motion.

"The force applied to a body produces a proportional acceleration." Or "How hard you have to push or pull an object to get it to move depends on how much it weighs. Here, we'll break it down some more. Force = Mass x Acceleration. Acceleration is the change in velocity (speed) of an object either faster or slower over a given amount of time. So basicaly, how fast you want to push something depends on its weight and how much effort you put into it. "
(Hint: Write this down, it is really important!)
Newton’s Third Law: Reaction

"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" Or,
"When you apply force to any object, it applies the same force back on you in the form of either resistance (pushing you) or by moving from acceleration (you pushing it). "

Lets say your on a trampoline. The force you apply to it when you jump up and down is going to be reflected back on you when you land, causeing you to propell upwards. Thats the basic principle of reaction.

Universal Gravity

"Every point mass attracts every other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points. The force is directly proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses. "

Major Huh?

Gravity exists because all objects pull toward each other. The bigger the mass, the more pull. Sun pulls Earth; Earth pulls moon; Earth pulls all objects on it toward the center of the Earth.

Gravity Explained

Objects on Earth are pulled by the largest object they are near – The Earth. Since all objects are pulled by the same force (Earth’s gravity), they are pulled the same amount.

Gravity effects objects at 9.8 meters/second2, or 32 feet/second2.

Gravity is the external force which acts up on the projectile and breaks the inertia. Gravity pulls the projectile down over time. In this way Gravity changes the speed over time. Also known as acceleration.

When gravity acts on an object in motion, it pulls the object downward over time causing it to change in velocity. A change in velocity over time is also known as?
(Hint, its acceleration)

So How much does gravity affect a projectile? .... Bueno!

Force = Mass x Acceleration due to Gravity, so instead of F = M x A, you can write it as F = M x G

Force is the amount of effort being applied
by gravity. Force is how much gravity is pulling down on the object.
(Your going to want to write this one down too.)

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